
I love September. It’s probably psychologically related to my birthday being this month but by all accounts it’s an important month for everyone else too. Even if you don’t have children to go back to school the chill in the air will get you too. It’s called autumn, and I love it.

Here’s someone else who likes it:

“Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.” – Joe Fox (F-O-X) from You’ve Got Mail 😉

Richard started his job this week (although will start properly next monday) so me and C have been adjusting to our new routine. It’s not that bad, in fact I’ve done more housework in the last 3 days than I have in the last 3 weeks with Richard being at home! I think it will make me a little more organised, and Charlotte a little more patient.


Birthday Girl photos:

Love her tutu 🙂

Wibble wobble wibble wobble candles on the cake!

Here are a few from over the summer…

Look at our onions!


Harvesting Shallots ^ ^ It’s been a fun year 🙂 and this is the start of a new adventure! I am very excited about Charlotte’s baby sister too- although not excited about all the appointments they’re making me have. I thought they were supposed to leave you alone for subsequent children? Obviously pre-natal care is more thorough here, so I’m not complaining! I found a few bags of lovely clothes which were making their way onto eBay- now there is no need as I can just keep them and I won’t have to miss the cutest ones :D. Will post again soon! 🙂